frequently asked questions

Most Popular FAQ`s

We excel in working with major platforms such as WordPress, Drupal (Uber Cart), Joomla, Magento, MivaMerchant, osCommerce and Zen Cart.

What exactly is web development?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

Can I just do one service?

If we can see that your goals and service outcomes align we absolutely will do a custom one-service package. We decided to offer all services for one set price because most businesses’ goals cant be achieved with just a singular service.  

What is an omni-channel strategy?

An omni channel strategy is a sales and marketing approach that provides people with a fully-integrated purchasing experience. It combines touchpoints, including, digital & traditional marketing, brick & motor, and sales to unite the user experience. 

Do you work with businesses that don't have an RTO?

You don’t have to have an RTO to work with us but we only take clients on in the training, coaching, and schooling industry. 

Do you have guarentees?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

Do you have contracts?

We don’t do contracts because we want our clients to only work with us because they want to.

What makes you different from other agencies?

From our experience working at other agencies we have taken what worked and what didn’t and made it our foundation. The 2 main points that make us different is we only focus on the RTO and coaching industry and we offer all channels to our clients for one monthly cost. This approach allows us to be focused on what works within the industry therefore making us the best at what we do. 

I have a tight budget, is that an issue?

You have to start from somewhere. We have taken clients with small budgets and helped them scale up. In the initial call we use your budget to help build out the initial strategy. 

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