Search Engine Optimisation


Get Personalized SEO Services Tailored for Your RTO

The Australian SEO industry can be overwhelming, with numerous agencies claiming to be experts. RTO Acceleration realized this and decided to specialize in one niche, making them the experts in the field.

At RTO Acceleration, they don’t rely on smooth talking salesmen or account managers to bring in clients. Instead, they have a team of SEO professionals who are dedicated to delivering results. They only take on clients they believe they can genuinely help, prioritizing their client’s success above everything else.

Their personalized approach and commitment to delivering quality results sets them apart from the competition. As a client of RTO Acceleration, RTO owners can trust that they are working with a team that truly understands their business and goals, and will work tirelessly to achieve them.

Industry Tailored

Beyond Traffic: Why Our SEO Approach Prioritizes Conversions and Leads

Our SEO approach is in a constant state of evolution, just like Google’s ranking algorithm. With years of experience, our team of dedicated SEO professionals has refined our techniques to adapt to the ever-changing requirements of effective search engine optimization. It’s our job to understand how Google interprets and ranks content, and we never stop learning and evolving to deliver top-notch SEO services in Australia that drive real results.

The focus of your SEO campaign is on one thing – driving a return on investment. While increasing organic website traffic is important, it’s the leads, enquiries, and conversions that truly matter. Every digital marketing strategy we employ is geared towards maximizing ROI. Our goal is not to simply get your website on the first page of Google for irrelevant keywords. Instead, we concentrate on optimizing the keywords and phrases that will push your business forward.

our SEO services

We Offer a Full Service SEO Strategy To Suite All Types Of RTO's

Link Building

Link building is a vital aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that involves acquiring links from other websites to improve your RTO’s website authority and visibility on search engines.

Content Marketing

Maximize your online presence with effective content marketing. Our expert team creates and promotes valuable content to attract, engage and convert students

YouTube SEO

Optimising your YouTube content for search engines can be the game-changer you need to make your RTO stand out from the competition. We can help you create and rank your content.

National SEO

Maximize your online reach across the country with national SEO. Tailored to target a wider audience, this approach optimizes your website to rank  phrases on a national scale.

International SEO

International SEO is the process of optimizing a website’s content and structure to rank higher in search engine results for international audiences. Perfect for RTO’s targeting overseas students.

Local SEO

Get found by local students with targeted Local SEO strategies. Our expert team optimizes your online presence to improve visibility in your community. An important SEO strategy for in-person courses.

Over 150 clients

Our SEO Process

1. Website Audit

Our website audit process provides a comprehensive evaluation of your site’s technical performance, on-page optimization, content quality, and backlink profile. This analysis helps us identify areas for improvement and develop a tailored SEO strategy to boost your RTO’s online presence.

2. Market & Compeitor Research

Our market and competitor research involves analyzing the keywords and search terms used by your target audience, identifying your competitors’ SEO strategies, and uncovering gaps and opportunities to differentiate your business. This data-driven approach ensures we craft a bespoke SEO strategy that sets you apart and delivers results.

3. Keyword Research

Keyword research is the foundation of successful SEO for RTOs and education companies. We use advanced tools and techniques to identify high-volume, relevant keywords that will drive traffic and conversions to your site. Our comprehensive approach ensures that your SEO campaign is focused on the keywords and phrases that matter most.

4. On-site Optimisation

On-site optimization is about making sure your website is set up to be easily crawled and understood by search engines. We’ll analyze your site structure, content, and HTML to identify opportunities to improve your search engine visibility and user experience.

5. Content Creation

Our team will create high-quality content that engages your audience and drives organic traffic. We focus on creating informative, relevant, and valuable content that speaks to your target audience, while also optimizing for search engines. Our content creation process is based on industry research and data analysis to ensure maximum effectiveness.

6. Link Building

Link building is the backbone of SEO. Our team uses white-hat techniques to secure high-quality links that boost your website’s authority and drive traffic. We focus on building relationships, not just links, to ensure long-term success. Let us handle your link building strategy and watch your website climb the rankings.

7. Campaign Management

Our campaign management is a comprehensive approach to ensuring your SEO campaign stays on track. From tracking progress to adjusting strategies, our team constantly monitors your campaign to ensure optimal results. We keep you updated on the progress and provide recommendations for continuous improvement.

8. Ongoing Reporting

Ongoing reporting is a critical part of our SEO process. We provide regular updates on the performance of your campaign and make necessary adjustments to ensure you’re on track to achieving your goals. Our detailed reports give you a transparent view of your SEO progress, and we’re always available to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

frequently asked questions

Most Popular FAQ`s

What exactly is web development?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or phrases. Essentially, it involves making your website more visible and accessible to potential customers who are searching for your products or services. SEO is important for RTOs as it helps to drive more organic traffic to their website, which can ultimately lead to more leads and conversions.

What is Link Building?

Link building is the process of acquiring links from other websites to your own. These links act as a vote of confidence for your website and can improve your search engine rankings. The quality and relevance of the links are important, and it’s crucial to follow ethical practices to avoid penalties. Through link building, you can improve your website’s authority and visibility, which can lead to increased organic traffic and ultimately, more business.

How Long Does it Take to Rank a Website?

The time it takes to rank a website depends on various factors, such as the competition level, target keywords, and the current state of the website’s SEO. Generally, it takes at least 3 to 6 months to start seeing results, but it can take up to a year or more for highly competitive keywords. Our team will provide an estimated timeline based on your specific goals and website.

Do you have guarentees?

Web development refers to the work involved in building and developing a site for the web. The scope of work depends on the size of the website being built, and can be as simple as a landing page or as complex.

Can SEO Generate Leads & Students?

Yes, SEO can generate leads and students for your RTO or education company. By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can attract potential students who are actively searching for courses and educational services. By using relevant keywords and creating high-quality content, you can increase your website’s visibility and attract qualified leads. However, it’s important to note that SEO is a long-term strategy, and results may not be immediate. It requires consistent effort and ongoing optimization to see sustainable results.

Whats The Difference Between Black Hat & White Hat SEO?

Black hat SEO refers to unethical practices that violate search engine guidelines, such as keyword stuffing, cloaking, and link schemes. White hat SEO, on the other hand, involves ethical techniques that follow search engine guidelines, including creating quality content, using relevant keywords, and building high-quality backlinks. While black hat SEO may offer quick results, it can ultimately result in penalties and damage to your online reputation. White hat SEO takes time to see results but offers long-term benefits and a better user experience.

Another option is to use Google Ads’ “Invalid Clicks” feature, which automatically filters out clicks that it deems invalid, such as multiple clicks from the same user or clicks from known bot networks. This can help prevent fraudulent clicks, including those from competitors.

Lastly, it’s important to monitor your Google Ads campaign regularly and keep an eye on your campaign metrics. If you notice any unusual activity or patterns that could indicate fraudulent clicks, you can report it to Google Ads support. By taking these steps, you can minimize the impact of fraudulent clicks and protect your ad spend, ultimately driving more conversions for your RTO/Education business.

Do You Take Clients Offering the Same Course?

We don’t want to compete against ourselves with two clients offering the same course in the same area.

For this reason, we don’t take on clients that directly compete.

learn about SEO

SEO Blogs

We consistantly create blogs aboutSEO and how it’s impacting the RTO and education industry.

Improve Website Speed – 9 Ways To Speed Up Your Site

Improve Website Speed – 9 Ways To Speed Up Your Site

In the digital world, a fast website is like a fast car; everyone wants one, but not everyone knows how to get it running at top speed. Imagine you're excited to learn about a new course that could shape your future, but when you click the website link, it loads......

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What Are Backlinks?

What Are Backlinks?

Many websites struggle to get seen by more people. Even if you have great content or products, it can be hard to show up on search engines like Google. This can make you feel like you're lost in a big crowd, trying to get noticed. But there's a way to stand out and...

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